Collagen = the glue holding us together
Are there long term dangers of collagen supplementation?
I go on a bit about protein & what a mythological entity it is. Many switch off here because we 'need' protein, right? What would you say if I told you we don't, that it is a fallacy? Think about it. The word protein was coined in the early 1800s - and not too much later, it was discovered that protein toxicity ('proteinuria' or excess of amino chains in the urine because the body is trying to excrete it) was high in people with a low plant intake & high meat intake.
It wasn't about the need for protein but the excess of it. The diseases found amongst those especially in built up cities that did not have access or interest in fresh plant foods. To be deficient in 'protein' we have to be deficient in every other nutrient because it is linked to all other nutrients. Exacerbated by things like excess alcohol and sugar, the body literally begins breaking down because we eat and live out of balance.
What does that breaking down look like?
Degenerative diseases (neuro, skin, bones, blood, organs)
Kidney disease
Thyroid disorders
Mental health disorders
Heart disease
Body wasting (opposite to muscle mass & keto/paleo-type diets that trigger weight loss short term and living decay over time because the digestive mucosa becomes so damaged it can no longer assimilate nutrients).
And then we get onto all the fads
Protein powders, bone broth, protein bars. Wait, what does bone broth have to do with it? Well, collagen is a complex amino chain - the glue that holds us together. We are told that we 'need' to consume the collagen of another species to be strong and healthy. Someone forgot the memo that like the animals humans consume, we can CREATE our own collagen and that by supplementing with the so-called nutrients of another species, we are in fact destroying our body's natural capabilities of creating our own. So what are the building blocks of collagen?
Those would be LAMININS; crucifix-shaped, helix-bound structures are the ties or glue that hold those tiny AMINOS together. Aminos form 'protein' in hundreds of ways. And every system, every organ, every function requires a different chain or combination of aminos. The lie that we 'need' complete protein (ie meat) to survive, has resulted in so much sickness and death is as bad as it gets.
But back to these electron-microscopic particles; I can just imagine people are now making a mental note to go out and buy a laminin supplement. Well, you kind of can, by taking a land or water plant supplement. And how do your calcium supplements tie in, apart from being acidic and useless?
It is not calcium that gives you strong bones; that is a mere part of it. Yes, we need calcium but unless we are deficient in everything else or have very bad gut health, calcium is not an issue - but now, thanks to the medical wizardry of calcium supplementation, too many now have massive stores of this space junk floating around in our blood & lymph (read, blood clots & blocked arteries). To build strong bones, strong immune systems & strong gut health, we need foods rich in laminins in order to build our own collagen - ie build our own stores. That comes from PLANTS.
Raw or fermented in most cases is better, so get to love salad and cook less. Not just a slice of tomato, a few lettuce leaves or a bit of grated carrot. But as wide a selection of fresh raw fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts as you can get. Raw sprouts and ferments are about as good as it gets.
When governments, grant groups and supermarket giants get together
First, throw out that government/supermarket promotion of 5 veg, 2 fruit a day rubbish. Did you know every year they pay big bikkies to various hopeful groups to come up with new innovative ideas to product-flog? It has little to do with health.
The truth is, you need mostly fresh food, a lot of it. If you physically cannot consume such a range of fresh foods every day, supplement with a smoothie powder that has dozens and dozens of the widest variety of plant-based ingredients in dehydrated form. Or a fresh juice.
Some of the following you may never have heard of; that's because our food suppliers keep us on such a tight rein - they only promote what they grow. There are hundreds of thousands of possibilities that you wont find in a supermarket (but you can often grow).
FYI a shortlist of laminin-building food agents include (as organic as possible) - vitamin C-rich foods, and those high in natural minerals: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, citrus fruits, kale, kiwi, mango, papaya, peppers, pineapple, strawberries, beans, buckwheat, cabbage, chives, chickpeas, peanuts, organic soy, watercress, oats, barley, avocados, cucumbers, asparagus, horsetail, nettle, Brazil nuts, milk, spinach, carrots, peas, beans, root vegetables, sprouted seeds and nuts, sunflower seeds, lentils, almonds, apricots, dark chocolate (NOT the high-sugar dairy-milk sludge; another massive marketing campaign), mushrooms, greens, blackstrap molasses, sesame seeds, spirulina, coconut meat, cultured yogurt, water/coconut kefir, seaweeds, pumpkin seeds.
This is in no way even close to the possibilities and options. But seriously, if you want to build strength and longevity while slowing down the effects of aging AND preventing/treating disease, ignore this at your own peril. It's better than spak-filler!
Protein - They’ve Got It Wrong (Again)
There is so much misinformation surrounding protein. What is it? And is it really linked to more disease than health? Has it all been just one big man-made myth, created in order to sell something?
‘Protein’ is a myth…
There is so much misinformation out there; in social media, popular media, medicine, advertising, gyms, schools, magazines - even books as well as advice given by gurus, nutritionists & influencers. What you read about protein is little more than catchy spin to sell, or promote ill health - if not sooner, then definitely later. A lot of it is done with good intention based on ignorance.
Along with the wizardry of myths, superstitions, lies and spin of incorrect supplementation, to put it bluntly, protein supplements are killing people. I can imagine the gnashing of teeth right about now, for anyone reading this, who is addicted to the notion of huge muscles, rapid weightloss and vital health. The simple truth is, there is more than enough research out there IF you care to find facts rather than follow trends. Ouch.
So, what are these dangers, I hear you say? Well, they are myriad, but broken down:
Bone disorders and disrupted calcium homeostasis (balance)
Renal dysfunction (kidney disease)
Liver dysfunction
Coronary artery disease
While you might try to argue that this list is short, let's break it down further:
Bone disorders can equate to anything from bone cancers to brittle bones, osteoporosis, porous bones, spurs & calcifications, pain.
Renal dysfunction can equate to anything from fluid retention, blood disorders, kidney stones and gout, right through to renal failure and the need for dialysis.
Cancer; take your pick, depending on the areas most affected by protein toxicity & acidosis, but especially cancers of the bowel, liver, bone, kidney, pancreas, bladder, stomach, rectal, endometrial, ovarian and blood.
Liver dysfunction can mean sluggish function, fatty liver, obesity, cirrhosis or even jaundice - and in turn, a completely compromised elimination system.
Coronary artery disease can mean plaques (as opposed to so-called cholesterol), arterial and venous blockage, strokes, heart attacks and are a huge contributor to Alzheimer's.
To be deficient in ‘protein’ (read: amino acids) means you are deficient in EVERYTHING & unless you are existing on processed foods or chemicals, you will not be deficient. 'Protein' is a word created to encompass amino acids, which are available in every single plant food on the planet. But this same word is used every day to promote unnecessary meat & dairy-based 'nutrition'. The belief we can get all the protein we need from meat & dairy is as misleading as it is wrong, based on old beliefs and promotions of survival food. Our bodies need amino acids, not so-called complete protein.
To fulfil every role that required of aminos in their various chains we must first break them down to rebuild and to that we need two main components to the puzzle:
Strong laminins
The correct enzyme balance
“Never heard of laminins, they can’t be that important.”
But oh, they are. They are the cross-like glycoprotein structures that bind our amino chains. You simply cannot just eat them. You must make them. All other ‘protein’ is second hand.
We cannot simply get either from just eating meat and dairy (or whey); we must make our own, tailored to our individual bodies, according to signals sent out, depending on a thousand different needs - and all of these aminos can be sourced from plant foods. In other words, our enzymes must be able to break down amino chains (including ‘complete amino chains) to rebuild them into the chains each system and process requires, using laminins that are personally linked to our own gemone codes.
Out of date research tells us that we must consume second hand protein to make protein. This is broken protein. New research tells us (only since 1990) that our bodies must produce our own individual amino chains according to age, health, sickness and fitness - and this changes according to every structure of the body.
'Complete' protein cannot bypass this process, nor can a protein supplement which can and does create imbalance. In fact, once the body becomes overwhelmed, the entire puzzle falls apart and poor health results.
The enzymes required for breaking down food are being destroyed by this toxicity as well as excess alcohol consumption, acidosis, medications and bad habits in general. Proteolytic enzyme aka peptidase or proteinase, requires a balanced pH (most people today exist in a state of acidosis) AND a balanced gut bacteria (microbiome). This process is called proteolysis.
Sounds pretty unremarkable, doesn't it? But what if you have the wrong bacterial balance? Well, that equates to the wrong type of protease and that means pathogenic proliferation, all linked to:
inflammation (pain and infection)
cell mutation (cancer)
increased clotting (strokes & heart attacks)
poor clotting (bleeding)
auto-immune disorders
So what is proteolysis? Quite simply, it's the hydrolysis (or splitting of a compound) ie breakdown of larger chains (proteins) into peptides and amino acids. And it is vital in order to allow the body to rebuild the right amino chains. The opposite of this is weakened chains, breakdown with poor rebuilding processes. The process is simple, even if it sounds complex and sadly, most will believe the fakery and hype rather than actually doing any real research. Those who know the science either don't want others to know or don't care.
I believe this fad of protein supplements & keto and high protein type diets will, as with all fads, pass - hopefully before too many find out the hard way - but in the meantime, how much damage is it doing, without people even realising?
Aspirin = ACID
Mimicking nature and getting it so wrong…
Another medical-pharmaceutical scam.
Why are doctors STILL prescribing aspirin to supposedly thin the blood?
Gastric type cancers have increased exponentially over the last few decades, which just coincides with the belief that aspirin will prevent clotting and strokes.
Why is it so important to stay abreast of research? Because, without fail, it is the patient who has to ask the questions - take notes, question EVERYTHING.
Do your own research. HELICOBACTER PYLORI is the bacterium linked to stomach ulcers - but SO much more than that. IBS, cancers, and yes, even more.
ITP, one of the long-named diseases (Immune thrombocytopenia) is a side effect of aspirin - one major player in 'ageing' type symptoms that doctors will tell us are part of ageing:
Poor nutrition, linked to...
Chronic diseases
Petechiae (those pesky red spots on the skin)
Intracranial haemorrhage (linked to strokes)
Bleeding gums
Blood imbalances
Wasting diseases
Once again, medical treatment effects (ie NOT ‘side’ effects but direct effects) are worse than the initial disease but in this case, there was no disease to begin with because aspirin is part of the whole BS 'preventive' scam.
And all this, before we even ask whether the patient has been tested for something else on the rise, salicylate sensitivity. And that is a whole new ball game. After all, aspirin IS salicylic acid. Think auto immune disorders & behavioural disorders.
The truth is, aspirin CAN thin the blood and relieve pain, but so can White Willow Bark (which aspirin was formulated. to emulate. After all, we can’t have something natural because it cannot be patented…) At about 15c a day I would say it is good medicine.
And just as the incidence of blood clots has gone through the roof as a direct effect of various covid vaccines, so too has the recommendation and use of aspirin increased. Do you see where this is going yet?
Note: Don’t do a free-search of the links; as usual, the pharmaceutical companies have paid for top search spots on Google so you won’t get the truth that way. In fact, you won’t get the truth on any health issue today simply because during the so-called pandemic, millions of dollars were spent to manipulate the internet. There is more lost research than ever before and what once pointed the finger at big pharma now looks like a fairy-tale.
Read through the fanfare and scroll down to the facts - side effects of aspirin
Vitale blood building & cleansing
Micra mould & biofilm cleansing
Katharsis spike protein protection
Divina 7 healing mushroom blend
Ancient Lakes Liquid magnesium
Orexis appetite, anorexia & cachexia support (wasting)
Qi Life whole body Rife & PEMF healing
the simple truth is, there are countless safe and effective alternatives to chemical ‘medicines’. And it is time the world knew about it.
Does anyone even remember?
Does anyone even remember? The scandal, the lies, the destruction - or what changed things forever?
What brought an entire industry to its knees, destroyed careers - and lives? How was a complete coup achieved? And how did it happen in full view of the nation; of something which today, most people still live in ignorance bliss?
Does anyone else remember the Pan crisis? Or, like the rest of Australia, did you just not listen to the pleas of the thousands of ‘alternative’ health physicians who fought for years to prevent its happening?
Baseless persecution destroyed natural health as we knew it just over 20 years ago. An over-the-counter pharmaceutical product that just happened to have ginger in it, was blamed for the death of one person - who has never been identified.
The owner of the company (Jim Selim) was acquitted of any wrongdoing but he lost millions and both his life and reputation were destroyed. When the govt were forced to reimburse him for losses, the media turned the public on him by saying tax payers would be funding it (a TGA, AMA & government modern day collaboration resembling the Spanish Inquisition passed off as a mistake).
A mistake that took years to formulate and almost a year of destruction to execute - both physically and legally. Laws were re-written. Provider numbers of natural health physicians were revoked. Qualifications were revoked. Brick by brick long-established colleges were pulled down. Media darlings both in print and on mid day TV defamed and caricatured any healing modality that did not fall under the burgeoning umbrella of the medical gods. Jim Selim was an unwitting scapegoat to pull down anything seen as competition for modern medicine.
Hundreds of thousands of bottles of supplements, herbals, therapies and adjuvant remedies were destroyed. Pharmacies were the first hypocritical lemmings to wipe everything from their shelves in favour of chemical versions of health products.
What the public were not told is that for the previous close-to-100 years, these same natural health physicians, many of whom studied longer and far wider topics than most medical doctors, had been covered by something called a Grandfather Act. This Act was soon to expire which meant that by the year 2000, the fallacious image of medical doctors would soon end; natural health physicians would once again be able to claim the title of Dr, with all the same rights, respect and recognition that their medical counterparts had.
Years of lampooning the natural healer in the media, TV and movies, dismissal by doctors if a patient dared to ask for a referral to a natural health physician - but worse than that, all the textbook destruction, all the sabotaged research, and having to share the stage with people they had grown to hate; this would cause an avalanche of push-back repercussions. Lost lives, lost incomes, lies and coercions - it would cause a catastrophic collapse of the medical system as it was then known.
And they were not going to allow that to happen. How Selim was selected is anyone’s business. Perhaps he just made too many good products. Perhaps he was on the brink of true affordable blended, integrative medicine for all.
Subsequently, all natural manufacturers were shut down, probably around half of the existing natural professionals were deregistered (me included) and most were never able to practice again.
Big pharma bought out around 90% of existing natural companies. These are the same so-called natural health companies people buy from today. Most formulate little more than synthetic supplements, many of these are ‘practitioner only’ brands. Nutrition is now less about food sources of nutrition and all about medicalisation of encapsulated and IV sustenance.
The other big coup for them was it paved the way for university-trained natural health professionals who were under-trained with watered-down information but now seen as the gold standard in training.
They were taught to promote the 'practitioner-only' products now owned by big pharma and the existing colleges were all shut down except one major player which jumped straight into bed with big pharma while passing itself off as THE leading light in natural health.
All of a sudden, the skills and qualifications of traditionally educated & trained physicians, which were the best in the country, were now obsolete. A consummate coup d'etat in full view with an altogether different story told in the media. All of a sudden, it was no longer about tolerating those pesky healthy fringe dwellers who maybe ate sprouts and did yoga, but an outright war against anyone who dared to be a traitor to the gods of medicine.
Ironically, the original product that started the whole thing (Travacalm), is now back on shelves and owned by a different pharmaceutical company altogether. No fanfare, no change of ingredients. There is even one dedicated to highlighting ginger; also one specifically for children.
The creator was targeted because he paved the way for the blending of natural and modern medicines. Those who initially opposed him, now head the 'integrative' health system. I have personally spoken to family members of staff who originally worked for Pan Pharmaceuticals. A gagging order that was never lifted has ensured the truth has failed to come out.
Long before the shills and trolls, long before a certain wealthy mama blogger’s hatred for anything that threatens modern medicine, there was John Dwyer - his original witch hunt. A man who has never been taken to account for the damage he has caused. Even the documentary exposing the truth (Pandemonium) has been removed from the internet...
Professionals have turned on each other; gatekeepers of registering bodies have become absolute turncoats to the existing professionals. So forgive me if I tend to go on about the state of natural health colleges, the trustworthiness of so many natural health professionals, integrative doctors and health products.
The industry today is so different from just 25 years ago that it's barely recognisable. It's all allowed MLM companies, influencers and gurus to be more sought after than actual professionals.
In the meantime, I hope you will join me in the continued fight for honesty, health and justice for all affected - and still being affected - by medical hegemony. It was never about health, always about money. Those of us who lobbied the government back in the 80s and 90s, arguing that improved natural health care would reduce the pressure and burden upon the medical system, were laughed at. Earlier promises to trial such a thing were dismissed - until now.
The Disappearing Hippocratic Oath
It all begins with an idea.
When I took the Hippocratic Oath, as a nurse, (then later as a practitioner in my own right), it was probably the most sincere moment of my career. Above the resolve I had to want to heal every single patient. Above the resolve I had to expose corruption and error in medicine. Above the resolve I had to make every single patient feel important.
I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius the surgeon, likewise Hygeia and Panacea, and call Almighty God to witness, that I will observe and keep this underwritten Oath, to the utmost of my power and judgment.
I will reverence those who taught me the art. Equally with my parents, will I allow them things necessary for their support, and will consider their sons and daughters as brothers and sisters. I will teach them my art without reward or agreement; and I will impart all my acquirement, instructions, and whatever I know, to all my pupils, who shall bind and tie themselves by a professional oath, but to none else.
With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage.
Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child.
Further, I will comport myself and use my knowledge in a godly manner. I will not cut for the stone, but will commit that affair entirely to the surgeons.
Whatsoever house I may enter, my visit shall be for the convenience and advantage of the patient; and I will willingly refrain from doing any injury or wrong from falsehood, and (in an especial manner) from acts of an amorous nature, whatever may be the rank of those who it may be my duty to cure, whether mistress or servant, bond or free.
Whatever, in the course of my practice, I may see or hear (even when not invited), whatever I may happen to obtain knowledge of, if it be not proper to repeat it, I will keep sacred and secret within my own breast.
If I faithfully observe this oath, may I thrive and prosper in my fortune and profession, and live in the estimation of posterity; or on breach thereof, may the reverse be my fate.
In the end, it was this Oath and the lack of maintenance (of what I saw as a resolution to be kept), that caused me to walk away from my earlier career and find a new way. One where I could live the Oath for real. The constant push back, apathy and outright attack experienced from all sides since then has been soul destroying, not just for me, but for thousands who based their life's work on the Oath.
From the outset, the Oath has been desecrated completely. Not just one vow but ALL have been broken. It is no longer even compulsory to take the Oath. And for those who do, it is broken from day one of medical school as stakeholders have manipulated medical knowledge to ensure the focus is on money and control, and even if well-intentioned students with good hearts begin with their ideals in place, IF they last, they will graduate with very different points of view and goals.
Today, doctors' and other medical experts' rewards are great. There are few who do not drive the latest car, or live in luxury. Even those who have a life of poverty to treat the poor, are bound to agreements from satan himself. Agreements they in turn will defend to the death. What is right in front of them will be reported or recollected as the complete opposite to the truth, simply to ensure their registrations are renewed, their reputations and esteem continue intact, and their coveted titles remain in situ.
Meanwhile, the patient (or individual) no longer factors into the equation. First point of contact, the questions are solely about vaccine status, followed by diagnosis importance and the end point - medications and other measures which will keep the industry wheels turning.
In turn, those who work 'under' the medigods hold a special, sacred oath in their hearts, formed during their studies and practical years, which bind them to keep quiet, to never speak out against these medigods or the controlling pharmaceutical and legal companies responsible for their industry's existence. When a legal case does arise, the entire team involved will go into damage control to ensure all stories are exactly the same. Many a career is destroyed when one brave enough to speak out is excommunicated.
Medicine is devoid of knowledge or accuracy in regards to nutrition and diet. In fact, generations of jokes of hospital food and medically-advised nutrition continue to this day. Medical associations have put their stamp on diets and products linked to obesity, anorexia, sickness and death. Childrens' hospitals and general hospitals alike have fast food outlets on their grounds and hand out fast food vouchers as a sick reward for being sick in the first place.
To rub salt into the wound, medical associations and governing bodies openly criticise natural diets and doctors have long advised vegan and vegetarian patients to eat meat - even raw liver - in the vain hope it will magically cure an imbalance. Dietary advice in medical circles - including medical nutritionists - have been penned by the same pharmaceutical industries; meat, wheat, dairy, sugar, corn etc - each responsible for ill health in the first instance. Recommended RDAs are nothing more than what is required for basic existence rather than vital health.
Since medicine has grabbed and held onto pseudo nutritional knowledge over the last 60 years, they have focused on singular deficiencies such as iron, calcium, protein, folate and various B vitamins - not realising or accepting that to be deficient in ANY nutrient requires a jenga game of various deficiencies and imbalances, gut and blood damage long standing, poor diet and toxic exposure; to throw one nutrient at it (usually synthetic) is catastrophic and in turn responsible for acute, chronic and even terminal ill health.
Hurt and harm; damage ie poisoning and cutting, even burning, are so accepted as the first line of defence today that most people will prefer it to changing their diet or improving their lifestyle. In fact, many demand it. If a doctor cannot do it, he will demand (refer) for another to do the deed, above and prior to any other measures being put in place to at least try to restore health. Vital body parts are taken away, destroying health and life as the patient knew it; yet this is still seen as something to be thankful for? Even if that patient dies in surgery, 'they did all they could'... God help any healer who dares to say that a clean diet or herb or remedy could have spared that life.
Today, so many drugs are administered to pregnant women it is a wonder any pregnancy reaches 40 weeks gestation. Vaccines, comprised of poisons advised to not touch with bare hands, DNA from other creatures AND aborted foetal 'cell lines' (see point 4 of the Oath), known carcinogens and toxins, are now injected into the pregnant woman to ensure the child is indeed 'born with it' - giving rise to an ever-increasing number of genetic deformities and issues.
Until relatively recently, ALL health advice (ie prescriptions and medical/surgical treatment options) were just that - advice and optional. This means ALL advice given should ensure that every patient or their guardian agrees wholly based upon informed consent. Not so today, as children are removed from the care of their parents in order to 'treat' them with chemotherapy possessing the propensity to cause harm and kill, in the hope that cancer can be cured.
Or to force vaccines into an already compromised body in the belief it will prevent a disease the child may never be exposed to, with a plethora of safe, effective treatments in existence, yet ignored. Once upon a time, all disease, all pathology results, all advice, was clearly explained to the patient or parent. This is no longer deemed necessary and legal teams will be utilised to override the wishes of either parent or patient and enforce medical 'care'.
Lies are told every day. We have all heard of the term baffling them with science. This is an effective method used to frighten the patient into changing their mind, even believing they need a dangerous treatment or procedure, above and beyond trying anything else. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE WE CAN DO is possibly the biggest lie of all, considering they have not tried everything, or allowed anyone else to. Millions of deaths can be explained away as 'natural causes' or even made up diseases and the world falls for it.
Aside from the appallingly low number of sexual misconduct cases actually reported, it is now a common habit to falsely accuse any medical expert of sexual misconduct if they venture outside of the rules to report an anomaly. No honest doctor wants their name dragged through the mud so they will go quietly away with their reputations destroyed, while those actually abusing their power are free to continue. It is now normal to sexually abuse a child under the guise of gynaecology, by performing vaginal examinations - on children, or as often as deemed 'necessary' by the medigod of the day. While non-invasive alternatives for Pap smear and digital examination for prostatic enlargement are available and effective, most experts choose to continue with this abuse.
A real healer will treat a patient regardless of any perceived obstacle, and whether they have insurance or money to pay. Today, this is a rarity with many dying before they get a chance to even enter ER. Depending on where they live, they will not even be collected by ambulance, in many nations. Cheaper, less effective options are chosen for those without insurance. I have seen more than one patient die in front of me when the medigod chose to not treat them due to their skin colour or socio-economic standing.
Today, in order to enforce big pharma guidelines, confidentiality is no longer a major factor in health care, with media blurting out personal and private details in order to gain public opposition to a patient's health status, vaccine history, refusal of medical treatment and even mental health history (even if painted simply to suit the situation).
The system is broken. As pharmaceutical companies (Revelation 18:23) took control & political clout took over from honesty (germ vs terrain theory) it was never going to be an honest or fair system. It's only God who is capable of bringing this down, because today, the church & Jewish communities are two of the most ardent supporters of true witchcraft (the title which they conveniently save for God-given health and healing).
With big pharma also now owning and funding everything from facebook to google the average person has little chance of finding facts; any medical expert who supports this and denies it has broken the Oath permanently. Trying to find truth today is almost out of bounds. Even package inserts are hidden and MIMS annual requires a licence to obtain.
Honest pharmacists and medical experts alike are forced to keep silent. Any attempt to steer a customer or patient in the right direction can result in legal action, destroyed reputation and loss of career. Those at the top care little for the individual.
Or the Oath.
References and Resources :
Fake virus epidemics and pandemics
Iatrogenic death tally globally
Pharmacists and doctors fighting pharma
Patients fighting medical corruption
Nurses persecuted for refusing vaccinations
Fraud of medical nutritional advice
Side effects that became a new diagnosis
Medical advice optional and personal choice - no longer informed consent
How ONE argument shaped the entirety of medicine for the worst
Sexual misconduct and abuse in medicine
Sexual misconduct and abuse in mental health
Unnecessary surgery -
Thousands of unnecessary surgical procedures
Legal cases of unnecessary surgery
Incentives for unnecessary surgery
Misdiagnosis and unnecessary surgery
What happens to doctors when they turn whistleblower
When nurses turn whistleblower
What happens when a pharmacist takes a stand