SPIRITUS - Asthma 30ml


Respiratory disorders usually have chemical or emotional triggers and while some may rely on inhalers and nebulizers, removing the triggers and taking the correct remedy can assist with clearing the airway, even removing dependency upon medications laden with side effects.

Should be considered in any case of breathing difficulties; as the ingredients have clinically shown the positive response in all ages, from children to aged, allowing the body to rely on steroidal and associated pharmaceuticals less over time, usually only requiring these in emergency situations.

Originally formulated for a clinical case who had tried a wide range of therapies, both orthodox and alternative. She had suffered with asthma for 19 years and was becoming increasingly dependent upon nebulizer treatment. She was planning to fall pregnant and was afraid of the risk of effects upon her respiratory system. Due to the acute nature of asthma and a risk of a healing crisis, she was instructed to keep her inhaler with her at all times. While not all cases respond so well, this one in particular was unique as she no longer required the inhaler or nebulizer, although out of habit and concern, she carried one with her.

Since then, this remedy has been used in the successful treatment of children through to the elderly. Keep on hand if symptoms should arise in the future. It is a good idea to identify which medications or injections are triggering asthma symptoms. May also be of assistance in cases of COPD, silicosis and other respiratory damage. Other therapies that may help include:

  • Removal of dairy and wheat from diet.

  • Address known irritant exposure - perfumes, chemicals, dust, stress, smoke - breathing difficulties often stem from allergen triggers found in the home.

  • Do not smoke in front of children - or asthmatics.

  • Avoid medications which are known to trigger asthma and other breathing difficulties.

  • Always keep inhalers and/or nebulisers on hand for emergencies.

If you are unsure of your remedy choice and would like more information, please contact us prior to ordering.

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Respiratory disorders usually have chemical or emotional triggers and while some may rely on inhalers and nebulizers, removing the triggers and taking the correct remedy can assist with clearing the airway, even removing dependency upon medications laden with side effects.

Should be considered in any case of breathing difficulties; as the ingredients have clinically shown the positive response in all ages, from children to aged, allowing the body to rely on steroidal and associated pharmaceuticals less over time, usually only requiring these in emergency situations.

Originally formulated for a clinical case who had tried a wide range of therapies, both orthodox and alternative. She had suffered with asthma for 19 years and was becoming increasingly dependent upon nebulizer treatment. She was planning to fall pregnant and was afraid of the risk of effects upon her respiratory system. Due to the acute nature of asthma and a risk of a healing crisis, she was instructed to keep her inhaler with her at all times. While not all cases respond so well, this one in particular was unique as she no longer required the inhaler or nebulizer, although out of habit and concern, she carried one with her.

Since then, this remedy has been used in the successful treatment of children through to the elderly. Keep on hand if symptoms should arise in the future. It is a good idea to identify which medications or injections are triggering asthma symptoms. May also be of assistance in cases of COPD, silicosis and other respiratory damage. Other therapies that may help include:

  • Removal of dairy and wheat from diet.

  • Address known irritant exposure - perfumes, chemicals, dust, stress, smoke - breathing difficulties often stem from allergen triggers found in the home.

  • Do not smoke in front of children - or asthmatics.

  • Avoid medications which are known to trigger asthma and other breathing difficulties.

  • Always keep inhalers and/or nebulisers on hand for emergencies.

If you are unsure of your remedy choice and would like more information, please contact us prior to ordering.

Respiratory disorders usually have chemical or emotional triggers and while some may rely on inhalers and nebulizers, removing the triggers and taking the correct remedy can assist with clearing the airway, even removing dependency upon medications laden with side effects.

Should be considered in any case of breathing difficulties; as the ingredients have clinically shown the positive response in all ages, from children to aged, allowing the body to rely on steroidal and associated pharmaceuticals less over time, usually only requiring these in emergency situations.

Originally formulated for a clinical case who had tried a wide range of therapies, both orthodox and alternative. She had suffered with asthma for 19 years and was becoming increasingly dependent upon nebulizer treatment. She was planning to fall pregnant and was afraid of the risk of effects upon her respiratory system. Due to the acute nature of asthma and a risk of a healing crisis, she was instructed to keep her inhaler with her at all times. While not all cases respond so well, this one in particular was unique as she no longer required the inhaler or nebulizer, although out of habit and concern, she carried one with her.

Since then, this remedy has been used in the successful treatment of children through to the elderly. Keep on hand if symptoms should arise in the future. It is a good idea to identify which medications or injections are triggering asthma symptoms. May also be of assistance in cases of COPD, silicosis and other respiratory damage. Other therapies that may help include:

  • Removal of dairy and wheat from diet.

  • Address known irritant exposure - perfumes, chemicals, dust, stress, smoke - breathing difficulties often stem from allergen triggers found in the home.

  • Do not smoke in front of children - or asthmatics.

  • Avoid medications which are known to trigger asthma and other breathing difficulties.

  • Always keep inhalers and/or nebulisers on hand for emergencies.

If you are unsure of your remedy choice and would like more information, please contact us prior to ordering.

  • 1 to 5 drops every 1 to 4 hours, or 3 times daily.

    For extreme symptoms with discomfort or inflammation, agitation or upset & fear, the correct dosage according to age/size can be given every hour.

    The general rule is to give one dose and if symptoms are still extreme in the next hour, repeat. This can be then tapered off as symptoms subside, to 2nd-hourly until either 4th-hourly or 3 times a day.

    For chronic symptoms which have been present for a long time, please only ever administer a standard 3 times a day as your body will need a slower time over a longer period to adjust. Taking a remedy too frequently in a chronic complaint may trigger aggravation.

    The exceptions to this guide are:

    Mosaic: 1-10 drops once a day.

    Lumen: 1-5 drops every 1 to 4 hours (only as needed).

    Katharsis: 1-5 drops daily.

    Divina: 1-10 drops once or twice daily (if low energy or anxious).

    Helix: 1-5 drops three times a day for 1 week. Then repeat for 1 day each month.

    IMPORTANT: Do not administer this remedy unless symptoms are present. As homeopathy is an energy medicine, it is not a preventative measure. Giving a larger dose will not enhance effects.

    Finally, once symptoms are sufficiently controlled, cease immediately, otherwise a relapse may be triggered. If you have any questions please email health@chrysalisoriginal.com

  • Pure Distilled Water, Ethanol Absolute, Gold, Frankincense, Myrrha, WA Smokebush, Passiflora, Arsenicum, Carbo Veg, Drosera, Nat S, Sambucus, Sanguinaria, Zingiber, Ferrum Phos, Sticta, Ipecacuanha, Valerian, Sulphur, Millefolium, Ranunculus, Solidago, Thuja, Nux V.

  • All Chrysalis Original Tinctures undergo a unique process of preparation, using ingredients of 30X to 30C triple-energised potencies.